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 Warning level

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Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 34
Location : USA

Warning level Empty
PostSubject: Warning level   Warning level EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 10:59 am

First of all we start out with 0.More you break the rules more you get the points.The warning level can be found on your profiles and messages.The maximum level is 8 and you're banned (forever)

The moderators will decide how many points they will give you.

See the list of bans below:

3 points-1 week ban

5 points-9 weeks ban

6 points-1 year ban

8 points-Forever

*Note: DO NOT attempt to make new account until the warning expires -This may get your whole ip banned.
Remind:One person MUST have only one account.
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