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 What Help Forum is about

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-08-16

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PostWhat Help Forum is about

This will give you an idea of what this forum should be used for.

If you need help with a homework assignment, need someone else advice in your life, need ideas for an essay for your class, or need to improve in a certain skill you have like drawing. Basically if you need some help go ahead and post it in here. Remember what ever you post and what other people read is up to you so, if you give out your phone number and then the person keeps calling you for no reason and it annoys you and ask a mod to help, we will try our best to help but, we are not responsible for what you post about yourself. You do not have to believe what everyone says to you so, you do not have to take the advice other people give out. Do not bash people on the advice they give because all they were trying to do was to help you and if there is any report of trolling, the troll post will be deleted and may be banned if it proceeds.
Also you can double post on your topic 24 hours later.Like about your week.
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